Web integration


Offerwall allows you to monetize projects and services with virtual currency economy. Offerwall fits you the best if you would like your users to be able to get coins, points, other virtual currency or have access to premium content by completing targeted offers.

Step 1. Implement Offerwall Widget

The Offerwall widget is customized for each user landing on your page. The system collects any profile data passed from the project, combines it with a user's past behavioral data and customizes the experience each time they land on your website. The age/gender/location data is used for appropriate offers targeting (e.g. adult offers not served to minors). You can add the following parameters and customize the user experience.

Widget code sample

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Widget preview

Web version
Web version

Parameters used in widget call

Parameter Required Possible Values Description
key yes hexadecimal, 32 characters long Project key, can be found in General Settings of the Project inside of your Merchant Account
uid yes alphanumeric, up to 64 characters long ID of the end-user in your system(usually it is an email) who is viewing the widget. Examples: numeric ID, username or email. Please note that uid parameter is case-insensitive (e.g. JohnDoe and johndoeare considered the same user). If your project allows case sensitive usernames, please use a numeric ID for the uid parameter
widget yes alphanumeric Widget key, e.g. p1. Can be obtained in Merchant Account / Projects / Widgets section
sign recommended hexadecimal, 32 characters long, lowercase If you want to secure widget and disallow unauthorized widget access, you can sign widget. By default this parameter is not required for widget call. If you want to make it required, please contact us.
sign_version no 1 Signature version
email recommended string End-user's email. If this parameter is present, Offerwall will automatically send offer completion receipt to the user.
User Profile API parameters yes array Parameters for enhanced Risk Scoring, such as lastname, firstname, address, birthday, engagement history.
country_code no ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the country Overrides default geo-targeting. Requires widget signature.
rv no 1, 0 enable/disable reviews: rv=1 (on, default), rv=0 (off)
th no 1, 0 enable/disable thumbs th=1 (on, default), th=0 (off)
tm no 1, 0 enable/disable tell me more layer. (optional, tm=1 (on, default), tm=0 (off) Note: (only available for the Offerwall Cool UI)
vcr no digit Custom virtual currency exchange rate overriding project settings - amount of virtual currency to be given per 1 unit of real currency. Can be activated for the project per request.
vcc no currency code Custom virtual currency exchange rate overriding project settings - code of real currency to use for custom exchange rate. Example - vcr=1000, vcc=EUR - give 1000 Virtual Currency for each 1 EUR spent by the user. Can be activated for the project per request.
vc no string Custom name of virtual currency overriding project settings. Can be activated for the project per request.
success_url no URL URL of the page where the end-user should be redirected to after the offer is complete. This URL shouldn't be used instead of the Pingback Processing for the actual product delivery and updating the merchant's database.

Risk scoring

User Profile API parameters can be used for risk scoring and risk assessment in order to prevent fraudulent activity. The risk parameters can be passed along with standard API parameters for Offerwall account for the relevant publisher’s data when calculating the risk score and during risk review by Offerwall's risk agents.

Additional parameters

Parameter Description
customer[birthday] unix timestamp of user's birthday, seconds since Jan 01 1970
customer[sex] male or female
customer[username] username on the website, if applicable and different from uid parameter
customer[firstname] given name of the user
customer[lastname] family name of the user
customer[city] city name
customer[state] state/province name
customer[address] address
customer[country] country code, ISO Alpha-2, e.g. DE
customer[zip] ZIP/postal code
email email of the user
history[membership] type of membership or loyalty program status at the time right before the payment is being made, if applicable. E.g.: no, gold, silver. Alternatively, in-game level can be passed in format 15/100 (15 out of 100).
history[membership_date] unix timestamp of last membership update
history[registration_date] unix timestamp of the registration date
history[registration_country] iso alpha-2 code of the country used for the registration (e.g. US)
history[registration_ip] IP address used for the registration
history[registration_email] email address used for the registration
history[registration_email_verified] 1 or 0
history[registration_name] first name(s) used for the registration
history[registration_lastname] last name(s) used for the registration
history[registration_source] identifier of the source where the registration is coming from; use cases: affiliate, referrer, website banner; example: history[registration_source]=affiliate_4312
history[logins_number] # of logins since registration_date
history[followers] # of followers, subscribers, friends and etc.
history[messages_sent] # of messages sent to other users
history[messages_sent_last_24hours] # of messages sent to other users in the last 24 hours
history[messages_received] # of messages received from other users
history[interactions] # of people the user interacted with in total
history[interactions_last_24hours] # of people the user interacted with in the last 24 hours
history[risk_score] fraud score or risk score within your system if applicable. varies from 0 to 100 where 0 is the most reliable user and 100 is the most fraudulent
history[complaints] number of cases when the user had a complaint
history[was_banned] 1 or 0 if the user was ever banned
history[delivered_products] # of successfully delivered products (if applicable)
history[customer_rating] customer rating out of 100, assigned by provider company or its members
history[registration_age] age used for the registration

Step 2. Set up pingback

Whenever a user completes an offer, we send you a server-to-server pingback, also known as callback or postback.
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To create your pingback listener, please use this code sample. Once the pingback listener is hosted on your servers, put the URL of this listener as the Pingback URL inside of your Project Settings.

Pingback URL format:


Pingback URL sample:


Request method: GET


Parameter Description
uid id of user to be credited. The value of uid parameter from Offerwall Call is used (e.g. Facebook Third-Party ID).
currency positive whole number.

Parameters sample

  • SECRET_KEY = 3b5949e0c26b87767a4752a276de9570
  • uid = 1
  • currency = 2
  • type = 0
  • ref = 3
  • sig = MD5(uid=[USER_ID]currency=[VIRTUAL_CURRENCY]type=[TYPE]ref=[REF][SECRET_KEY]) = MD5(uid=1currency=2type=0ref=33b5949e0c26b87767a4752a276de9570) = MD5(12033b5949e0c26b87767a4752a276de9570)=813bb3bb5a566fde24f6861c60396727
MD5 is a lowercase hash in the form of 32 digit hexadecimal number. You can use SHA256 hash instead of MD5 for a pingback signature version 2.

Resulted return value

If you are able to process the callback requests, please start your response message with 'OK'. If we don't receive a confirmation message, or if the response status code is different from 200, we'll send pingback again within 30 minutes and the subsequent retries will happen at 30 minute increments after that.

IP security

Please add the following IP Addresses as authorized IP addresses to access the script:
Please note that certain load balancing services, such as CloudFlare, may alter the originating IP of the request. In such case, the IP address of the request visible on your server may differ from the original. In this case, using HTTP_X_REAL_IP request header should help getting the original Offerwall's IP to check if it is whitelisted.

Step 3. Submit for review

Login to your account and confirm integration.

Offerwall Android SDK


Create the button that will call the SDK to show Offerwall. We suggest the following names for the button:
  • Earn virtualCurrencyName
  • Earn free virtualCurrencyName
The Offerwall SDK is called with a block method and displays a pop-up dialog with the Offerwall widget. Offerwall Android SDK is released under the Apache v2 license.


Your mobile integration requires a Project Key and a Widget Version Code (mw1 or mw6, where mw6 is the brand new one) of your choice. You can obtain these Paymentwall API credentials from the application settings of your Merchant Account at paymentwall.com.


You can integrate Paymentwall Offerwall SDK using 3 methods:
  • Using jCenter repo, add this line to your gradle config: compile 'com.paymentwall.sdk:offerwallsdk:1.0.0'
  • Clone it from github: git clone https://github.com/paymentwall/paymentwall-offerwall. Then import the module "OfferwallSDK" to your project.
  • Download AAR file and add it to your libs directory: You can download AAR file here. Our SDK depends on appcompat-v7 and design libraries, please add the following lines to your gradle config if you don't use them:
compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:23.1.1'
compile 'com.android.support:design:23.1.1'

Start Offerwall Activity

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Offerwall configuration

To set up Offerwall, please select the proper values for an OfferwallRequest, then pass it to the OfferwallActivity. OfferwallRequest is a convenient class for setting up parameters. It simply follows widget call parameters.

Offerwall IOS SDK


Create the button that will call the SDK to show the Offerwall. We suggest the following names for the button: “Earn (virtualCurrencyName)s” “Earn free (virtualCurrencyName)s” The OfferWall SDK is called with a block method and displays a pop-up dialog with the Offerwall widget.


Your mobile integration requires a Project Key and Widget Version Code (mw1 or mw6, where mw6 is the brand new one) of your choice. You can obtain these Paymentwall API credentials in the application settings of your Merchant Account at Paymentwall.com


Follow those steps to add SDK to your project:
  • In the Menu bar, click "File" then "Add file to YOUR_PROJECT".
  • Select the "Offerwall" directory in the downloaded repository.
  • Make sure “Copy items into destination group's folder (if needed)” is checked.
  • Click "Add".
  • Click on your project. In “Targets” tab, click in "Build Settings".
  • In the "Header Search Paths", add link to include the file of SDK such as: "$SOURCE_ROOT/OfferWallSDK/include"
  • In the "Library Search Paths", add link to the file "OfferWall.a"
  • In your Project's "Build Phases" tab, add "OfferWallResources.bundle" to "Copy Bundle Resources"
  • In your Project's "Build Settings" tab, add "-ObjC" and "-all_load" to "Other Linker Flags"'

Add Imports


import "OfferWall.h"


Add this command to your Bridging-Header.h file import "OfferWall.h"

Create Offerwall request


[OfferWall setApplicationKey:YOUR_APPLICATION_HERE andWidgetCode:WIDGET_VERSION];


OfferWall.setApplicationKey:(YOUR_APPLICATION_HERE andWidgetCode:WIDGET_VERSION)

Start Offerwall dialog


OffeWallViewController *viewcontroller = [OfferWall createNewOfferWallViewController];
[viewcontroller showOfferWallWithParentViewController:self completion:^(int status){}];


var viewController: OfferWallViewController = OfferWall.createNewOfferWallViewController()
viewController.showOfferWallWithParentViewController(self, completion:{ (status) -> Void in})

Get started

Create an additional revenue stream for your business.